I partner with highly skilled leaders who have accomplished much and still want something more:
- A roadmap to what’s next
- Deeper connection between life at work and life at home
- Sustained attention to goals and objectives
- Emotional intelligence
- Stronger relationships with staff and colleagues
- Greater leadership presence
- Enhanced personal and professional excellence
As we work together, my clients develop a greater sense of balance and integration and the power to be stronger leaders.
Executive Coaching
Whether you are a senior leader or a newly-minted manager, learn what it takes to become your own coach – to observe your own behavior and make changes that lead to new levels of excellence.
Team Coaching
Sometimes A-Players come together to create B-Teams. I help team members put egos and competing agendas aside to achieve shared goals and objectives.
Vocational Coaching
Whether you are ready for retirement, thinking ahead, or passionate about the world and your community, explore what it means to give back and what gives life a deeper sense of purpose.
As an active member of the International Coach Federation (ICF) I uphold the Core Competencies and Code of Ethics: www.coachfederation.org
I maintain the strictest levels of confidentiality with all client and sponsor information.